Browse Items (19 total)

Congregational Church Anniversary History Account 1907 Farmington News, Page2, 1907-09-06.pdf
An account of the Congregational Church anniversary & history from the 1907 Farmington News, Page2, September 6th 1907 issue.

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS-Kyle Leach

1951 Congregational Church 75th Anniversary Booklet.pdf
A 1951 Congregational Church 75th anniversary bi-fold booklet with a photograph of the church on the cover. The event was scheduled for March 8, 1951. The founding of the church was September 15, 1819. The booklet lists the founders on the cover…

Farmington First Meetinghouse & Its First Deacon -Deacon Benjamin Furber An Historical Memoir.pdf
Farmington First Meetinghouse & Its First Deacon -Deacon Benjamin Furber An Historical Memoir was presented at the First Congregational Church of Farmington, January 1, 1978 by Ethel W. Mazza. The document is eight pages typed on paper. This appears…

1892 Account 1875 Fire Farmington News, Page3, 1892-02-12.pdf
An 1892 account of the great 1875 fire on Central Street in Farmington, as presented in the Farmington News, Page3, February 12, 1892. The fire was swift and burned down many notable building including the Elm House hotel, the Thurston factory, Nat…

1940 Account 1875 Fire Church Farmington News, Page4, 1940-11-22.pdf
A 1940 remembrance of the 1875 fire at the First Congregational Church, as recorded in a communication to the editor and public of the Farmington News. The communication is written by Ned Parker and is on page 4, of the November 22nd 1940…

1971 Account Town Clock   Farmington News, Page1, 1971-06-10.pdf
A 1971 account of the history of the town clock from the Farmington News, Page1, the June 10th 1971 issue.

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS-Kyle Leach

Account Central Street Fire 1875 Farmington News, Page4, 1898-05-20.pdf
A 1898 account of the Central Street Fire in 1875 from the Farmington News, Page 4, May 20th 1898. The fire was swift and burned down many notable buildings including the Elm House hotel, the Thurston factory, Nat Roberts house, the J. F. Clesley…

Educational Building Congrgational Church Farmington News, Page1, 1973-08-09.pdf
A 1973 article covering the project of the educational building of the Congregational Church Farmington News, Page 1, August 8th 1973 issue.

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.


Farmington Historical Society Meeting About Congregational Church History Farmington News, Page2, 1951-03-09.pdf
An article covering a Farmington Historical Society meeting about the First Congregational Church history, as covered by the Farmington News, Page2, March 9th 1951.

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum…

History Congregational Church 1870s Farmington News, Page4, 1898-08-12.pdf
An historical account of the Congregational Church mid to late 1800s from the Farmington News, Page4, August 12th, 1898.

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS-Kyle Leach
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