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Don Marble Obituary Photo2023.jpg
Donald Adams Marble obituary. May 26, 1931 - November 27, 2023. Don marble's obituaty reads:Donald Adams Marble, 92, stepped into heaven on November 27, 2023. Born in Athol, MA on May 26, 1931, he was the seventh child of Louis and Gertrude (Ward)…

A digital copy of a VHS video recording of a basic, general Farmington History, from the 1800's up to the 1980's, as told by Alan Drew, Margory Drew, Twink Osgood, and Joe Bean. The recording was created by John Nolan and features not only those…

The Old Gas Plant.jpg
An article in the August, 1986 Puddledock Press, about the Farmington Gas Company coming too Farmington in 1886. The piece is a "Historical Farmington" article written by Twink Osgood relaying and reflecting on this historical news. The story reads…

Roberts Drug Store.jpg
Marketing and advertising from the early 20th Century for the Roberts-Peavey-Osgood drugstore in downtown Farmington. One item is a photo postcard from the Farmington postcard collection. It accounts the opening of the Odd Fellows Hall in 1896, where…

Documented burial sites within Farmington, NH town limits, researched and compiled by Twink Osgood.
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