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First Congregational Church Clock Front Cover September 1998-V19N09-PuddledockPress.pdf
Clock Front Cover September 1998-V19N09-Puddledock Press Photo by George Meyer _— The Farmington News, 1882 -The clock was manufactured and placed in position by E. Howard & CO, ofBoston, whose productions are considered to stand foremost in this…

Farmington High School Dedication September 1996 PuddledockPress-.pdf
An article highlighting the Farmington High School dedication from the September 1996  Puddledock Press. The issue also conatains photos from the event.The opening text reads:FARM1NGT0N HIGH SCHOOLDEDICATIONAUGUST 25, 1996This date was the…

Oct 2012 Roger B Memorial Front page PuddledockPress-October.PDF
An October 2012 Roger Belanger memorial article written to honor his work in the community after his death at the age of seventy one. It was the front page lead of the Puddledock Press October issue.The text reads:This issue of The Puddledock Press…

Group Photo Puddledock Press November 1999 50 Years Farmington Historical Society.jpg
A Puddledock Press November 1999 issue with an article covering the 50 year anniversary of the Farmington Historical Society, with Photos.

Text of article reads:

Photo cations:

Eugene Nute, First President, Farmington Historical…

Varney's Market Outside.jpg
A September 1986 Puddledock Press Spotlight of  Varney's Market.The article reads:Varney's MarketThere is a country store in town that his been here since approximately 1900. Eighty-six years ago; Ma,. Pa, Junior and Sally could have walked into this…

Puddledock Press 1986 Man of the Year John Nolan with staff member Pam Bouchard .jpg
A Puddledock Press article from September of 1986 featuring the Man & Woman of the Year, John Nolan and Phyllis Kuligowski. The text of the article reads: The First Annual Puddledock Press Man & Woman of the Year contest was certainly a great…

Edith Skidds & Ruth Brown 1952 Town Hall.jpg
A 1952 photo published in the August 1986 edition of the Puddledock Press featuring Edith Skidds & Ruth Brown sitting in the Town Hall.

These photos are stored together. They are from different periods of time. Last pulled together for possible…

Sgt. Walter Brown-AKA Brownie.jpg
A 1986 Puddledock Press Article with color photo of Sargent Walter Brown, of the Farmington Police Department. The article reads as follows:Better known as "Brownie" by most of the townspeople, Sgt. Brown first joined the police department back in…

Orrin J Wilson Hilltop Nursery.jpg
From the July 1986 Puddledock article with the photo: "Located at 113 North Main Street is the HILLTOP NURSERY, owned and operated by Orrin J. Wilson. Mr. Wilson has been in the Nursery business for 20 years. A native of Farmington, he resided in…

Directory of Farmington NH Welcome to Puddledock USA.pdf
Directory of Farmington NH Welcome to Puddledock USA. Created by students in the mid 1960's the directory lists town, history businesses, elected officials, emergency and religious information from the period outlined. Size 6.75"x9"

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