An article covering the 1924 Klan meeting in Farmington NH. This clipping is from The Boston Globe, Boston, Massachusetts, Monday June 2, 1924, page 20.The article reads:10,000 Attend Klan MeetingNational officials Speaksin farmington, NHAmerican…
An article highlighting the Farmington High School dedication from the September 1996 Puddledock Press. The issue also conatains photos from the event.The opening text reads:FARM1NGT0N HIGH SCHOOLDEDICATIONAUGUST 25, 1996This date was the…
An October 2012 Roger Belanger memorial article written to honor his work in the community after his death at the age of seventy one. It was the front page lead of the Puddledock Press October issue.The text reads:This issue of The Puddledock Press…
The obituary of renowned photographer Amasa W Shackford. The obituary was published on page four of the Farmington News, It was published in Farmington, New Hampshire on Friday, February 7th, 1913, and would have been available in the region.The…
Article - A Century Of Memories: Farmington’s Beulah Thayer Turns 100 On May 4The article reads:FARMINGTON — Beulah Thayer is the matriarch of the Thayer family, which has done so much for the town of Farmington, and she will have her 100th birthday…
Article - Farmington’s Beulah Thayer Is Fondly Remembered By Many The article reads:FARMINGTON — Beulah Thayer, the matriarch of the Thayer family, which has done so much for the town of Farmington, died peacefully on Oct. 23 after a very short…
Obituary and photo of Farmington resident Beulah L. Thayer, 1912 - 2012. The Peaslee Funeral Home obituary reads:
Beulah L. Thayer
May 04, 1912 - October 23, 2012
Obituary of Beulah Perkins Thayer
Farmington--Beulah Thayer, 100, died peacefully,…
All three Farmington Civil War cannons are now listed in the Living History Registry, in Arlington.How did the cannons get to where they are, one, in Edgerly Park, and two cannons in the Pine Grove Cemetery? There is a wonderful archived Historical…