Talking About Independence Day Farmington News, Page2, 1896-06-26
The piece about independence Day reads:
The meeting at the town hall Friday night to discuss a Fourth of July cele- bration, was a distinctively business gathering of young men of thee town. It organized by choosing A I Nute, chairman, Eugene B Hayes, secretary; W J Evans, treasurer, and the affair celebrating Independence Day was discussed in an of hand way It was announced that money enough had been pledged to assure a start in the project, so it was suggested that a committee
of which the president, secretary and
treasurer should be members, should be,
appointed The following names were
added S. Leavitt, Fred Hanson F
H Roberts, John S Hayes and Her
man J Pike This committee is to
appoint sub-committee where neces-
sary The members got together at
once and the following appointments
were made: On advertising, Messrs
Leavitt and Hanson, sports, Messrs.
Haynes and Pike, on speaker for horri-
bles, A J Nute. trade teams and horri-
bles, Haynes, music F H Roberts.
The committee is busy at work upon
a program which shall include a parade,
athletic sports, such as bicycle, foot,
potato and other races, a greased
pig, etc. Prizes will be offered for best
team and single foot passenger in parade
of horribles There will doubtless be
an expert tight-rope walker who will
give exhibitions at intervals during the
day The Cadet .Band has beea en-
gaged for a series of concerts, and there
will be two games of ball between the
Rochesters and Farmingtons.
A sum of money has been set aside
as a gratuitous gift for the athletic club
of the high school to give an exhibition
during the day. Of course this pro-
gram will be altered and amended and
doubtless interesting features added to
it, and that there will be a display of
fireworks in the evening is a matter of
course There will half fare on the
Boston and Maine R R if matters can
be so arranged. Take it all in all the
outlook is rosy for a splendid celebra-
tion and general good time.
Caption of the photo reads:
This is Sid. He started the Fourth of July celebration project, found a responsive enthusi asm and is at the head of the committee of arrangements
FHS-Kyle Leach