Browse Exhibits (18 total)

Agriculture In Farmington

1911Niddy Noddy Bennett Triple Sprin Farm Donated Margaret Jenness Hapsis.jpg

Farming and agriculture were central to the core of the community from the late 1700's, until the mid 1800's when water powered industries began to dominate the economy and develpment in the town. Some of the reminants of the old town center and surorunding farms remain even today, as do some of the more permant features of that time, such as the old Town Pound.

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Art, Music, Movies, Dance, Drama & Culture

Joachim and Lucie Schuller Museum circa 1973.jpg

This exhibit has photos, articles, and documents covering art, music, movies, dance drama, and culture in Farmington, NH over time. Farmington has a long, rich history of supporting the arts and culture in the community. Farmington was once home to the Farmington Opera House, the Joachim & Lucie Schuller Museum of Art & Chivalry, and an MGM Strand Theater. The downtown has hosted many department stores, fine jewelers, milliners, dress shops, and photography studios. In the late 1800's through the early 1900's Farmington was a destination and many famous speakers and lecturers visited Farmington. Over the years Farmington has also been graced with the presence of many authors, poets, playwrights, artists, singers, musicians, and dancers and some have called Farmington home.

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Disasters In Farmington

B and M Train Bernardi Carnival Wreck Farmington NH 1 negative - glass, black & white 2.png

This exhibit contains photos, articles, and documents covering disaters that happened in Farmington, NH. Farmington like any other town that has had a share of disasters, natural, and man made. This exhibit pulls togther some of those diasters whether created by fire, water, wind, or human error. Once in the exhibit please selct an event at the right to go to the records you wish to research.

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Events, Celebrations, Parades, & Memorials

Mobile Home Sweet Home Promotional Flyer.jpg

Over the years Farmington, NH has hosted many large and small scale events, held joyous parties, celebrations, and parades often, and have honored sacrifices and hardship with memorials and reflective services. This exhibit contains documents, articles, and photographs detailing those activities in Farmington.

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Farmington Burial & Cemetery Information


The Burial & Cemetery Books & Documents exhibit contains documents and books detailing burial and cemetery information in Farmington, NH. It can be used to find persons and families that may be buried in the town limits of Farmington that are not buried at the Pine Grove Cemetery. Much of the information available for rural or family plots was compiled and made available by Twink Osgood. For information about families buried at the Pine Grove Cemetery visit them on Facebook or visit and conduct an online search. 

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Farmington Citizens

Lucy Dodge Tintype Photograph Front.jpg

Documents, photographs, and books detailing the lives of people in the town of Farmington.

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Farmington Factories & Businesses & Services

1930 Dole - Waldron Shoe Company Sepia Photograph.jpg

Documents, photographs, and books detailing the small businesses, the factories, large scale businesses, and service companies in the town of Farmington.

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Farmington NH & Strafford County NH Maps

StraffordCo_1856_wall map web.jpg

This exhibit includes maps, articles, and documents covering topography, position, and location in and around Farmington, NH. Many of the maps of the downtown area contain detailed information and keys. When viewing the Sanborn-Perris fire insurance maps pay great attention not only to the keys, but also to the year of the map being viewed, and how the specific information on tenants, building upgrades, etc. has changed. Surveys were taken regularly and though the roads and building may not change greatly between survey years, tenants and building alterations do.

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Farmington NH Annual Town Reports

# 686 1858 Receipts & Expenditures Report Town Of Farmington NH .pdf

Farmington NH Annual Town Reports contain a wealth of information about people, businesses, policy, warrants, and budgets of the town over time. Earlier reports have deaths, births, and marriages recorded. Once in the exhibit please select a time range at the right to go to the correct time period and find the report you wish to research. The museum has physical copies of most reports from the 1870's through the mid 1950's. We are working on finding reports to add to the collection for most the mid 1950's through the present. If you have copies you would like to donate please let us know. Digital copies of reports from the 1870's to the present are being added as the museum has time. PLEASE NOTE: These resources were created during the 19th or 20th century. They have biases stemming from those periods.

Large numbers of physical copies of the Farmington, NH town reports were donated by Twink Osgood, Joan Funk, Lorraine Meyer, Carol Richards, Beulah Thayer, and Stan Freeda & Kyle Leach. Small assortments and single copies have been donated over the decades by many local individuals. We want to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness.

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Farmington NH Yearbooks

1973 Farmington High School Yearbook Cover.jpg

Representations of yearbooks from farmington NH.

The personal significance of a yearbook cannot be overstated; the wealth of information they give to libraries, museums, and historical societies for the historical record is equally compelling. So much information of so many people is locked together in one book, linked by geography, families, friendships, and interest. Moments in time from a single period, a year, presented and choreographed to tell the stories of an entire student class, a segment of a school, a portion of town, make them an esteembed additon to our exhibits.