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First Place Team Perns Petroleum.jpg
500 Boys Club Article with pictures from the Puddledock Press of August 1986. The article contains three pictures; two are in the archive. The article contains the following information: 500 BOYS CLUB ENDS SEASON A short time ago, the 500 Boys Club…

Staff Helen Schena and Don MacVane Garnet House Central Street.jpg
From the Puddledock Press article with the photos in June issue 1986:"It's time personal care became personal again-" So states Garnet House Inc.'s President, Donald MacVane- Located at 115 Central Street, Garnet House has been standing behind these…

Children utilize new reading room photo credit Joe Henry.jpg
From the May 1986 Puddledock article abou the photos:The dedication for the new addition of the Goodwin Library was held on April 6th. The program speakers included, Rev. H. Franklin Parker,Rtvv. Uel Gardner, Rev. John Scruton and Robert M. Aiken.…

Mixed Photo Collection From March 1986 Puddledock Press. These photos are stored together. They are from different periods of time. Last pulled together for possible use in February 1986. Please read each photo explanation for possible details. If…
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