Browse Items
- 1800's
- 1859
- 1875
- 1876
- 1886
- 1887
- 1889
- 1892
- 1894
- 1895
- 1898
- 1900's
- 1907
- 1910's
- 1920
- 1926
- 1930's
- 1933
- 1935
- 1936
- 1937
- 1940's
- 1950's
- 1952
- 1956
- 1958
- 1960's
- 1971
- 1976
- 1980
- 1980's
- 1986
- 1990's
- 2000's
- 2013
- 2020's
- 20th century
- 500 Boys & Girls Club
- 500 Boys Club
- 500 Club
- abolition
- accident
- accounting
- addition
- administration
- ads
- Advent Christian Church
- advertising
- age
- agreement
- agriculture
- album
- Allen
- American Civil War
- American Legion
- Amsden
- ancestry
- animal pound
- animals
- anniversary
- apothecary
- architecture
- art
- articles
- artists
- arts
- arts & crafts
- atheletes
- atlas
- auto
- autobiography
- automobile
- Avery
- award
- awards
- Babcock
- Bacon
- ball
- band
- bank
- Barker
- Barker Block
- baseball
- Bean
- Beatrice Ellison
- bed race
- Belanger
- Bennett
- Beulah L. Thayer
- beverage
- Bicentennial
- bicycle
- billing
- bio
- birth
- birthday
- Blake
- boats
- book
- booklet
- booklet, document, pdf
- booklets
- books
- Boston & Maine Railroad
- Boston Clothing Company
- Boston Globe
- Boston Post Cane
- bottle
- boulder
- Bowden
- Bragg
- bridges
- brochure
- Brookfield
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown Betty Inn
- Browne
- bu-laws
- budget
- buggy
- building
- buildings
- Bunker
- burial
- Burtman
- business
- calendar
- candy store
- cannon
- car
- Card
- cards
- care
- carnival
- carriages
- cars
- celebration
- celebrations
- celebrity
- cemetary
- cemetery
- Central House
- Central Street
- ceramic
- ceremonies
- Charles Street
- chart
- child abuse
- children
- church
- civic duty
- Clarkson
- class
- class photo
- clock
- clothes
- clothing
- Cloutman
- club
- Cocheco Bridge
- Cocheco River
- Colbath
- Collection
- color
- commemorative
- communication
- community
- Congregational Church
- conservation
- constiuition
- contract
- costume
- country club
- court
- crafts
- culture
- Currier
- Curtis
- Dame
- dancing
- data
- Davis
- death
- decoration
- dedication
- deed
- Demeritt
- democrat
- demolition
- dentist
- departments
- depot
- Depression
- digital
- digital file
- diner
- directory
- disaster
- Dixon
- doctor
- docu
- document
- documents
- dole
- Dolliver
- dolls
- donation
- Dore
- Dover & Winnipisseogee Rail Road
- Dow
- downtown
- drainage
- drama
- drawing
- Drew
- drinking
- drugstore
- dry goods
- E. T. Willson
- Eastman
- Eastman House
- eating
- Edgerly
- Edgerly House
- Edgerly Park
- education
- educator
- elders
- elections
- electric
- electricity
- embroidery
- Emerson
- engraving
- entertainment
- estate
- Evans
- event
- events
- expense
- fabric
- factory
- fair
- Fall
- families
- family
- family tree
- famous
- farm
- farmers
- farming
- Farmington
- Farmington Ambulance Corps
- Farmington Association of Parents and Teachers
- Farmington Building & Loan Association
- Farmington Country Club
- Farmington Fire Department
- Farmington Gas Company
- Farmington High School
- Farmington Historical Society
- Farmington Library
- Farmington National Bank
- Farmington New Durham Historical Society
- Farmington News
- Farmington NH
- Farmington Opera House
- Farmington Police Chief Carl W Worster Sr
- Farmington Public Library
- Farmington sites
- Farmington Town Players
- Farmington Woman's Club
- Farmington, New Hampshire, Museum, Town of Farmington NH, Archive, Collection, Tool
- Farmington, New Hampshire, Town of Farmington, restoration, event, people, building, architecture
- Farmington, New Hampshire, Town of farmington, souvenir
- FarmingtonWomans Club
- fence
- Fernald
- field
- film
- films
- finance
- fine clothing
- fire
- firefighters
- First Congregational Church
- flatware
- flood
- floral
- food
- food pantry
- forest
- formal
- Fosters Daily Democrat
- Fowler
- Free Will Baptist Church
- fuel
- fundraising
- funeral
- Furber
- Furbush
- furniture
- garage
- garden
- Gardner
- gas
- geneology
- George M. Herring
- Gilman
- glass
- Glen Street School
- Glenn
- Glenn Street School
- Glidden
- Goodwin
- Goodwin Library
- Gordon
- grades
- graduates
- graduation
- grammar school
- granite
- graphite
- gray
- grocery
- group
- Grove Street
- guide
- Hall
- Halls & Sons
- Ham
- handle
- handmade
- handpainted
- handwriting
- Hannah Hayes
- Harrington
- Hartford
- Harvard
- Haskill
- hate
- Hay Day
- Hayes
- health
- Henry Wilson
- Hills
- history
- Hodgdon
- holidays
- home
- homes
- honors
- Hopper
- Horne
- horses
- house
- Howard
- ice
- illustration
- Independence Day
- Indian
- Indigenous
- indoor
- industry
- information
- infrastructure
- insects
- inside
- Interfaith Food Pantry
- invoice
- Jackson
- jail
- Jean Davenhall
- John Nolan
- Jones
- judge
- Kelley
- Kelly
- Kimball
- Kingsbury
- klan
- Knights of Pythias
- lacework
- LaChance
- land
- landmarks
- landscape
- language
- LaRock
- law
- law enforcement
- learning
- Leavitt
- legal
- leisure
- Letter
- librarian
- library
- life
- list
- lithography
- loans
- location
- locomotive
- lodging
- Lord
- Lucy Dodge
- lumber
- Mad River
- magazine
- main street
- maps
- Marble
- march
- marketing
- marriage
- marriages
- Martinaeu
- Mary Cloutman
- masonry
- Mazza
- McLaughlin
- mechanism
- medecine
- medical
- medicine
- meeting
- meetinghouse
- Meetinghouse Hill
- membership
- memior
- memorial
- Memorial Day
- Memorial Drive Elementary
- Memorial Elementary
- memorials
- men
- metal
- metalwork
- Mexican War
- Middleton
- military
- mill
- minstrel
- money
- monument
- Mooney
- Mooney's Mill
- mortgage
- Moulton
- mourning
- movies
- mug
- Museum
- music
- names
- narrative
- Nason
- Native
- Native American
- nature
- New England
- New Hampshire
- New Hampshire Historical Society
- news
- NH
- NH Profiles
- Nolan
- North Main Street
- notice
- Noyes
- Nute
- nuts
- Nye
- obituary
- Odd Fellows Block
- officials
- Old Home Days
- Old Town Hall
- Olympia Theatre
- Opera House
- organization
- organizations
- Osborne
- Osgood
- outdoor
- outside
- overpass
- paintings
- parade
- parents
- parishioners
- Park
- Parker
- parks
- Pearl
- Peaslee
- Peavey
- people
- people of color
- performance
- Perkins
- person
- person of color
- petetion
- pewter
- pharmacy
- photo
- photograph
- photographer
- photography
- photos
- Pike
- Pine Grove Cemetery
- Pine Grove Cemetery Association
- places
- plants
- plate
- play
- Pleasant Street
- Poirier
- police
- politics
- Pollard
- portrait
- portrait painting
- postacrd
- postal system
- postcard
- postcards
- power
- Pray
- preservation
- president
- program
- propaganda
- protest
- Public Library
- public safety
- public service
- Puddledock
- Putnam
- Pythian Block
- Pythian Hall
- quilt
- R C White
- racism
- railroad
- railroads
- receipts
- record
- records
- recreation
- regalia
- Reilly
- religion
- repair
- reports
- reptile
- residents
- restaurant
- retirement
- Rev Arthur Dufour
- revenue
- Richard Leighton
- Richards
- Richards Block
- Ricker
- ritual
- river
- rivers
- road
- roads
- Roberts
- Rochester Fair
- rock
- Rondeau Shoe Company
- Route 11
- rubble
- Sabine
- safety
- Safford
- Saint Peter Catholic Church
- salaries
- sanctuary
- Sargent
- scholarship
- school
- School District
- School Street
- School Street School
- schools
- Schuller
- Schuller Museum
- science
- scouts
- seeds
- seniors
- service
- settlers
- sewing
- Shackford
- Shackford Block
- shoe shop
- shoes
- shops
- siblings
- sign
- silver
- singers
- Skidds
- slavery
- sled
- Smalls Block
- Smith
- snake
- social function
- society
- soldier
- song
- South Main Street
- South Main Street Bridge
- souvenir
- speakers
- spirituality
- sports
- St Peters
- staff
- stained glass
- station
- stationary
- statistics
- stereographs
- still life
- stone
- Stone Lobby
- stores
- stories
- Strafford County
- Strand Theatre
- stream
- streets
- students
- survey
- tableware
- tags
- Tanner
- tavern
- taxes
- taxonomy
- teacher
- teachers
- teaching
- team
- techers
- telephone
- Ten Rod Road School
- textile
- Thayer
- The Clementines
- The Turn
- The Twin Mills
- The White Store
- theater
- theatre
- Tichnor Brothers
- Time capsule
- title
- Tobey
- tool
- tools
- Topley
- tourism
- Town Clock
- Town Hall
- town lock-up
- town meeting
- Town of Farmington NH
- town offices
- town pound
- tracks
- train depot
- trains
- transportation
- travel
- trip
- Tripp
- Uncle Sam
- uniform
- uniforms
- Union Street
- vacation
- Varney
- vehicle
- veterans
- video
- village
- voice
- wagons
- Wakefield
- Waldron
- Wallace
- warrants
- water
- wedding
- Wentworth
- White Barn Ceramics
- Whitehouse
- Wilson
- Winchester
- Wingate
- winter
- winter carnival
- women
- wood
- Woods
- woodwork
- workers
- World War II
- worship
- writers
- writing
- written history
- yearbook
- Yeaton
- Young
- youth