Browse Items (17 total)

1899 Annual report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Far.pdf
1899 Annual Report Board Of Education & Treasurer Of School District #9 Town Of Farmington NH

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS- Kyle Leach

1898 Annual report of the receipts and expeditures of the town of Farm.pdf
1898 Annual Report Board Of Education & Treasurer Of School District #9 Town Of Farmington NH

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS- Kyle Leach

1897 Annual report of the board of education and treasurer of school d.pdf
1897 Annual report of the board of education and treasurer of school District #9 Town Of Farmington NH

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS- Kyle Leach

1896 Annual report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Far.pdf
1896 Annual report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Farmington, NH

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS- Kyle Leach

1895 Annual report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Far.pdf
1895 Annual report of the receipts and expenditures of the Town of Farmington, NH.

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS- Kyle Leach

1894 Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Farmington.pdf
1894 Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Farmington

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS- Kyle Leach

1891 Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Farmington.pdf
1891 Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Farmington

This is a digital file and book in the physical museum collection.

FHS- Kyle Leach

1883 Reports of the selectmen and treasurer of the town of Farmington.pdf
1883 Reports of the selectmen and treasurer of the town of Farmington

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS- Kyle Leach

1878 Reports of the selectmen and treasurer of the town of Farmington.pdf
1878 Reports of the selectmen and treasurer of the town of Farmington

This is a digital file and does not exist in the physical museum collection.

FHS- Kyle Leach

1928 Sepia Farmington Opera House Fire Aftermath Photograph.jpg
A 1928 sepia photograph of the Farmington Opera House presenting the damage caused by the 1928 fire. Almost all aspects of the fire aftermath to the front and side can be seen in the photograph. The view is of the front and left side of the building…
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