A Farmington News article, page3, from April 26, 1929 of the Town Hall & Goodwin Library dedication event. Details of the article include when and where events will be held, speakers, songs and music to be sung and played, and other general…
A 1954 "Old Time Farmington," Farmington News article written by Ned Parker for the opening page of the paper. The article covers some of the beginnings of the Farmington News and some of the early writers for it. It also talks about some of the…
An article covering the Old Stone Lobby being made an official local landmark. It is located in the Farmington News, Page2, July 3, 1925. The article reads: T h e old stone lobby at the junc-ture of Church and Uionn streets has:been perpetuated as a…
A Farmington News article about the old stone lobby beng razed. From page 2 may 12, 1950.The article reads: OLD STONE LOBBY,HISTORICAL FARMINGTONLANDMARK BEING RAZEDOne of Farmingtons oldest historical landmarks the old stonelobby situated on the…
A Farmington News article covering work being resumed at the J F Cloutman Shoe Co factory. Farmington News, Page2, 1918-12-13 The article reads:The signal for the big business and enterprise that is to contribute largelyto Farmington's future…
A farmington news article covering the fire at the Cloutman Shoe Factory in Farmington NH. Page2, 1918-02-22The article reads:Cloutman Shoe Factory BurnsTwo Hundred and Twenty-Eight PeopleTemporarily Out of EmploymentThe Biggest Industrial Fire…
An October 23, 1925 Farmington News, page 2 article talking about the Boston & Maine railroad abandonment plan for the Farmington, NH rails and stop. This plan was heatedly discussed and protested and a special town meeting called to deal with the…
A Farmington News article , Page1, February 2, 1972, by Ed King, that covers the owners of the Rest A While Inn ending their twenty-seven year business of providing lodging at the hotel. In previous periods the hotel was commonly called the "Central…
A 1954 death annoucement for Hiram L Barker along with a memorium from the from page 3 of the Farmington News, March 19, 1954.This is a digital file and does not reside in the physical collection.FHS-Kyle Leach
Clock Front Cover September 1998-V19N09-Puddledock Press Photo by George Meyer _— The Farmington News, 1882 -The clock was manufactured and placed in position by E. Howard & CO, ofBoston, whose productions are considered to stand foremost in this…