Paul Moulton obituary from Peaslee Funeral Home, Farmington, NH. The obituary reads:Paul Moulton May 14, 1951 - July 22, 2021 Farmington, NH Paul Moulton passed away peacefully on July 22, 2021 at the age of seventy after a long battle with…
A standard class photosheet for grade one, Memorial Drive School, Farmington, NH & a photograph of Clarice Lougee teacher Grade 1 1959-1960. Photosheet size: 6.5"x8.5" Teacher Photo: 1.5"x 1.75
1950 Typed Letter By Unknown Subject Detailing A Day Trip- Brookefield, Wakefield, Middleton by Mary Cloutman, Beatrice Ellison and the unknown author. They visited buildings in Wakefield (Little Red Schoolhouse, library, Congregational Church,…