A colorized 1913 Farmington, NH doll postcard with text and image. The text of the card reads, "the girls play with dolls in Farmington, NH," and " I know a doll there that wants to play with you." The two sentences are separated by a bolded "…
Embossed and glittered "Greetings from Farmington" postcard. The postcard is a bright, light green color and fades to almost white at the top of the card. The words are embossed and glittered for effect. The word " Farmington " is flanked by embossed…
A Farmington NH Opera House sepia souvenir postcard. The view is of the front and left side of the building from Main Street. The three story building with an internal mezzanine or balcony was brick with wooden trim. It featured many double high…
1910 Farmington News articles covering the formation of the Farmington Woman's Cub. The articles start in May of 1910 and continue until October of that year. The articles discuss meetings, dues, officers, membership, and some future planning.…