Browse Items (43 total)

1875 Farmington High School Rank Bill.jpg
1875 ranking of students in the four classes at Farmington High School after seven written exams of the school year. Lists include first and last names, grade rank, and notations for low rankings from ill health.

Size: 7' x 10"

1818 Graduation Exercises Farmington High School Thursday July 1 1880 Congregational Church.jpg
A bi-fold booklet of the 1880 Graduation Exercises of the Farmington High School. The event was set for eight o' clock, Thursday July 1, 1880 at the Congregational Church in Farmington, NH. Music was planned, as well as eleven speakers, including the…

1894 Farmington High School Commencement Exercise Bifold Program.pdf
A 1894 Farmington High School commencement exercise program. The program is quite ornate, printed in multiple fonts, on heavy card paper, with embossed embellishments, and with burn cut scalloped edges. The commencement exercises happened on June…

1905 Farmington High School Football Team Farmington News Clipping & Photo January 1969.jpg
A Farmington News clipping & photo from January 16, 1969 of the 1905 Farmington High School Football Team. Names of the team members shown are listed.

Size: 6" x 7"
Condition: some yellowing


1905 Matted Photo Farmington High School Class.jpg
A matted photograph of the 1905 class of Farmington High School. Most are in baseball uniforms. The photograph mat has a name list embossed on the bottom.

Condition: Two copies exist in the museum. One is in excellent form, the other is torn in…

1907 Photograph Ten Rod Road School With Embossed Matted Back.jpg
Photograph taken in 1907 of the Ten Rod Road School. Photo has an embossed mat and contains information about the teacher and students on the back.

ID list is as follows: Teacher-Miss Seaward
Students- front row right to left: L. Ralph Wyatt,…

1910 Sepia Photograph Teachers & Parents & Students Farmington Middle School Class In DC With Mat Front.jpg
A 1910 sepia photograph of teachers, parents, and students of a Farmington middle school class, taken in Washington, DC. The photograph has a decorative mat. In the background of the photograph is a simple, light colored stone building entrance with…

1930 Senior Class Sepia Photograph Teachers and Students Farmington High School Main Street With Mat Front.jpg
A 1930 sepia photograph of educators and students of Farmington High School, on Main Street, with a decorative mat backing. The photograph was taken in the Stevens Studio in Rochester, NH. The background is a simple, dark curtain. Students are…

1932 Sepia Photograph Teachers and Students Farmington High School Main Street  With Mat Front.jpg
A 1932 sepia photograph of educators and students of Farmington High School, on Main Street, with a decorative mat backing. The photograph was taken in the Stevens Studio in Rochester, NH. The background is a simple, dark curtain. Students are…

Matted Photo Farmington NH Class  of 1935.jpg
A matted photo of graduates of the 1935 Farmington NH class. Also the headmaster Rolfe Bannister, "Banny" and class teacher Pearl La Bonta. Name listings are handwritten on the back in pencil. Name list starts at the right hand corner, bottom…
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