Talking About Independence Day Farmington News, Page 2 Friday, July 4th, 1930


Talking About Independence Day Farmington News, Page 2 Friday, July 4th, 1930


A Farmington News article talking about Independence Day. This is Page 2 of the Friday, July 4th, 1930 issue.

The piece about independence Day reads:


The 'News goes to print this week on the eve of the great American holiday. Independence day. July 4th which occurs on Friday. It will be the 154th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and chat ' the spirit of 76”still sur- vives not merely as a tradition but as one of the greatest American achievements, there is plenty of manifest evidence within our na- tional boundaries and all United States possessions Business will be suspended generally and the Ameri- can colors will predominate. While Farming-ton has contemplated no or dered program for the day'’s cele- bration. there will be nothing- lack- log in the spirit of the occasion From the small child up there will an ardent display of American pride If not with a participation the revelry and the enchantment of adding; to the general racket, there will be an ordered preservation of peace and prosperity that has been in preparation for many weeks. The grooming of residential proper- ty and places of business has been in preparation for midsummer and the 4th of July tor many weeks and the 4th of July for many weeks and the accomplishments are impressed upon any and all observers who cure to survey the general aspect with thoughtful consideration. Wherever a piece,of property of whatever na- ture has .an outstanding prominence there have been no reservations in making it presentable to the gaze with cleanliness and features of beauty more or less abundant. Beautiful gardens, green, well- cropped lawns and fresh paint fore- cast the glamour and redolence of a thrifty and well-ordered community The preservation of the citizenry and the property of such a compos- ite structure is among our first re- gards. Especially at such times as the Fourth of July when-the bars of restraint are let down while a great event of universal moment is being celebrated, there is likely to be. with with no intention at lawlessness, a com- mon relaxation toward destruction On such occasions as the Fourth of July, the real patriot, whether youth or adult, is the individual who regards with scrupulous care the rights of others and joins his fellows in the wildest of celebration without abandon In such a spirit of celebration everybody has the sympathy and encouragement of the community Those who use the crowded highways at this season are especially cautioned to avoid colli- sion and destruction to themselves and others. Herein lies one of the greatest elements of danger and it is sincerely hoped that the "News" will have few, if any, local casualties to report after the holiday has passed. To impress the great element of danger that that is abroad at this time, insurance statistics show that more people buy automobile insurance on or prior to this holiday than at any other holiday season of the year. To show that the apprehension is well founded, the insurance com- panies report that for one day more claims are paid than for any other day In the year except Labor day We certainly urge our citizens to celebrate the Fourth and to Indulge in all the reasonable pastimes, but to exercise extreme care In the preser-vation of their own safety and the safety of others. The handling of fireworks and explosives should at all times be entrusted to mature judgment and we sincerely hope that wherever children are allowed to handle these instruments it will be under the supervision of their elders. From Thursday at midnight until Friday at midnight the town will be under extra, police surveillance and all lines of law and order- will be drawn tight. Traffic rules must be observed and extreme precaution be taken against fire. With' these suggestions In mind, not to spoil or detract from anybody's good time, but rather to Insure the resumption of our peace, prosperity and pursuit of -happiness after the "Glorious Fourth'* has passed, the "News" extends its best wishes for every bounty that the holiday may afford.


FHS-Kyle Leach


Farmington News


Farmington News





Farmington News, “Talking About Independence Day Farmington News, Page 2 Friday, July 4th, 1930,” Farmington Historical Society-Museum of Farmington History, accessed February 13, 2025,